I saw a pair like this on the cranky pants website so I thought the cherries might be easy enough to try duplicate stitch on. Plus I thought they were adorable. I like the way they turned out but being my own worst critic, I know there is a lot of things I'll do different next time.
Stats: Vannas Choice Acrylic Lion Brand (I thought I'd test out the difference for myself... I definately like wool better.) Dusty green, Olive, and Scarlett
Size 8 needles
elastic waistband
Size Large with backside increases and short rows
Seed stitch cuff (at least my sad attempt at seed stitch)
ruffle- 1st row increase every other stitch, then knit row, then increase every 2 stitches, then knit row, then increase every three stitches, knit row, then increase every four stitches and bind off
4 inch inseam